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T H E   Q U E S T I O N 

Project Facing Your Dreams is a photographic & social experiment based on the following question:

What is your number one goal in life?

Stop for a moment and think.

After everything is said and done, what do you want your life's purpose to have been?  That right there is the purpose of PFYD.  In order to help your dreams come true, you need to know what they are and that it is possible to have hope.

Obtaining goals and achieving success are personal accomplishments not always measured by monetary gain.  It is a fundamental part of yourself.  Exposing this helps others easily connect on a deep level.  In one moment you can learn about the core of a person just by figuring out the one thing they want most out of life.  There is an inspiring beauty in relating to a complete stranger.

T H E   B E G I N N I N G

The original idea for this endeavor was brought about by the need for a proposition for a scholarship to the study abroad program Semester at Sea.  Their mission is to "educate individuals with the global understanding necessary to address the challenges of our interdependent world. With the world as our classroom, our unique shipboard program integrates multiple-country study, interdisciplinary coursework, and hands-on field experiences for meaningful engagement in the global community."  The future direction of this experiment lies heavily on my attendance to this program.  However, whether I do or do not travel around the world in the spring of 2013, my hope is to nurture and grow this project in order to encourage, entertain, and inspire others.

W H A T   A R E   P F Y D ' S   G O A L S ?

-To help myself and others become aware of the hopes and dreams of the world.  Do we have the ability to help another begin to have aspirations or even to help them succeed?

-To uplift individuals in a way that encourages them to respect who they are, and

-to uplift communities in a way that encourages people to respect one another.

-To bring understanding of different cultures' and peoples' views of what our purpose is on the Earth we all share.